So we left on Wednesday and everything started ok. We got to the airport and through security with both girls without any problems. We were flying out of Austin with a layover in Tampa and then to West Palm Beach. Well when we were at our gate I saw on the screen that our flight was now delayed an hour and a half which meant that we were going to lose our connection in Tampa. There was another flight going direct to Ft. Lauderdale that was leaving on time, at the same time our flight was supposed to go so we were rushing trying to get into that flight. If we did not make it into that flight and kept our original flight it meant that the next flight from Tampa to West Palm Beach was not going to be until 9pm which meant about 5 hours in Tampa. With both girls that sounded like a disaster so we were very eager to get into the Ft. Lauderdale flight. Luckily we were able to change flights and things were looking good again.
Then we got into the plane and the girls were in good moods. The plan was to give them lunch on the plane and hope they would take their nap afterwards since it was naptime. Izzie was sitting around and playing, Natalie was fascinated looking out the window. Then we started leaving the gate about to take off and Izzie went nuts. We have no idea what happened but she freaked out. She was screaming and throwing herself around. She did not want to be held and was trying to get our of our arms. Both Aaron and I were trying to console her but she was irrational, just screaming. She cried (screamed actually) for about 30 minutes. She finally calmed down and took a little nap but it was not long enough. She kept crying and being really fussy. As time went by she got more used to it but she was not happy to be on the plane. Given all this commotion Natalie did not sleep but she did great coloring and watching some cartoons.
We landed in Ft. Lauderdale and Aaron's dad and his stepmother were there to pick us up. Our bags made it and we were very happy to be able to have had a direct flight. Not sure how Izzie would have done with the connection but now we had that to look forward in our return flights.
For the next couple of days we just hung out and enjoyed visiting with everyone. The kids had lots of fun in the pool. It was a little chilly for south Florida but the pool was heated and the kids did not seem to mind. Natalie was a little cold but she still went in and had fun. Izzie was insane for the pool. We had to keep our eye on her because she wanted to go swimming all the time. The girls enjoyed visiting with the cousins. Natalie really enjoyed playing with Rachel & Sarah and Libby & Abby. Natalie was not shy at all and was giving out hugs and kisses all around. Izzie was a little more reserved but she did ok. It definitely was a lot easier now with Natalie being older and being able to understand more so I am looking forward to when Izzie is Natalie's age. Hopefully we will be able to travel more and it won't be so difficult, especially considering how far apart all our family is.
On Sunday afternoon we went for a walk on the beach to collect sea shells. Natalie was very excited to pick them up and was walking around and running in the sand. I was very happy to see her more comfortable in the beach. When we went to Puerto Rico on August she refused to walk on the beach because she did not want to get her feet dirty by the sand. Izzie was scared of the waves but given that she is less shy than Natalie if Natalie over came her fear I am sure Izzie will too.
Yesterday was our flight back. We had a 6:30am flight out of West Palm Beach with the layover in Tampa again. We had to get up and leave for the airport by 4:30 am! We woke up and got dressed, packed the last few items, loaded up the car and picked up the girls and put them straight in the car seats. On the plane Izzie freaked out again but she quickly fell asleep and slept the whole flight to Tampa (about 40 min) and then slept through the layover. She woke up as we were boarding the plane to Austin. I was afraid she was going to freak out again inside the plane but she actually did very well, the nap must have helped. The girls were awake for about the first 30-45 min but then they both feel asleep and the slept the entire flight up until we started the descent into Austin. So not a bad flight in the end.
On the plus side of having such an early morning flight was that we were home by 11am. They were so happy to get home. Natalie ran inside to kiss Parker and Abi. Then they both ran around and I think they pulled out all of their toys. They had toys everywhere but they were so happy to be home. They took good afternoon naps and today we are back to schedule.
Izzie has been a little fussy. She has a runny nose and some coughing but no fever. We are not sure if its a cold or just teething, I thought I felt a molar coming through so we will see. She is doing much better today since Natalie is in school and she can rest a bit more than if Natalie was here.
Now today and tomorrow should be interesting since Aaron had to go on a business trip and left early this morning to catch a flight to Atlanta. He comes home tomorrow night but the girls won't see him until Thu morning. This morning when Natalie asked where he was and I told her he was not coming home for a couple of days she asked me "Mommy cooked dinner?" and I told her yes that I would cook dinner for her tonight and she responded by saying, "No, daddy come home cook dinner". I guess she know who the cook in the family is!
Here are some pictures from the trip.
Izzie loving the pool
Natalie was very happy to see Aunt Becky
Izzie was trying to be in the noodle all by herself
Natalie & Aunt Jenn
Natalie & Libby
Sarah, Rachel & Natalie
1 comment:
You are so brave! There is no way I could get on a plane with my kids! I'm glad it turned out okay in the end. Looks like ya'll had a lot of fun!
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