Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fun Tuesday

We had a pretty busy day today. Izzie has had a cold for the last couple of days but yesterday afternoon and evening it got worse. She had a little fever in the afternoon and at night she was having trouble sleeping. She kept crying like something was bothering her. We figured it was either her ears or her throat. Natalie had a field trip from school today. They were going to go to a pumpkin patch in the morning and I was planning on going too with Izzie. Well since Izzie was not feeling well I made an early appointment at the pediatrician so that we could go to the pumpkin patch afterwards. Natalie for some reason wanted to go to the doctor too. I guess she wanted to see Izzie get checked out. So by 8:30 am we were out the door. The girls did very well at the pediatrician, Izzie did not even cry. It was a little crazy since a lot of people are sick so they were very busy. I was running out of ways to entertain them in the little room since we had to wait about 20 min for the doctor to come in. For some of you it may not seem like a lot of time but with the two of them it seemed like forever.

Turns out Izzie has an ear infection. I don't think it's that bad, it's just in one ear. Here we go with ear infections. This is Izzie's first. Hopefully she will not start the cycle Natalie was of ear infections every 3 weeks. Time will tell.

After the doctor we went to the pumpkin patch and then we dropped Natalie off at school. Izzie and I came come and had lunch and Izzie took a nice long nap. When she woke up we went to vote. Early voting is great. No lines and we were in and out in less than 10 minutes.

While I voted Izzie sat on the floor and played with my purse.

Here are some pictures from the pumpkin farm.

Natalie & her friend Carson

Natalie & her friend Dylan & Dylan's dog

1 comment:

Beccalynn81 said...

I hope Izzie feels better soon! The pictures are great! I love their little matching coats!