Also it was hard for me to believe given that on Sunday it was 75 degrees and we were outside in shorts.
This morning we woke up to rain, as expected. But they had said that by 10 am it was going to switch to snow. Well I was shocked when at 8am I looked out the window and saw big snowflakes. The girls had school today but given that I know the snow here can last just a few minutes I took them outside so they could see it and take some pictures.
On the way to school there was a mix of everything. Rain, then sleet and finally big wet snowflakes.
When I picked them up at school it was still snowing. They had a great time at school, they took all the kids outside so they could enjoy it.
When we got home it was naptime and around 3 the snow started up again so I bundled the kids up and we went outside.
The dogs are loving it. It has been 2 years since they have seen snow. But boy have the dogs aged in this past 2 years. Parker who loves the cold and love the snow was eating the snow and trying to play but he kept shaking so after about 15 min I had to bring him in the house.
Abi did better, but she does not like the cold so she is happy to be inside.
Natalie was very excited. We tried to build a snowman but there was not that much snow and every time we tried to turn it into a ball Parker would come and try to eat it. So I had to do a little one and put it out of his reach.
Izzie for some reason got scared of the snow. The moment her feet touched the snow since it was a different feeling she freaked out and started crying. She went back up on the back porch and stayed there. She touched the snow she just refused to walk on it.
this morning before school. Izzie is still in her pjs :-)
mid morning, the snow is picking up.
I have never seen palm trees with snow.
the golf course
getting ready to go out
Parker eating the snow we wanted to make our snowman
Izzie refusing to come down and play in the snow. She wanted me to carry her.
our little snowman. the girls lost interest before we could finish it.